Why Choose Us?
This year scores of clients have used our company to sell their property.
Other web-sites you may find on the internet are typically referral
companies; meaning they take your money and refer you to a broker in your area.
You have no idea if there is going to be hidden fees until you talk
with the broker they refer you to.
We are your Direct Gateway to the MLS. We offer better service,
better pricing, multiple photos on the MLS & Realtor.com and much
much more. Referral companies CAN NOT match us.
How do you know if you are dealing with a referral company? Just
simply ask if you are speaking with the broker that will be listing
your home. Ask for his/her name and license number?
Click here
for links to all of the State Licensing Boards.
If they refuse to provide you with their name and license number or if
they do not show up on the State Licensing website, you are dealing
with a referral company…..then call us! List DIRECT and get
the service you deserve!